What were you born to do? Really? What is your life’s purpose?

What were you doing before you opened this email? How was that action helping another person?

Heavy question. But if you truly understood what Kabbalah is about – accepting the responsibility of being a channel of the Light – then you’d be thinking only of how to share and care for others. If we’re here on Earth, it means somewhere in a world far, far away, we signed a contract, we took an oath with the Light, that we would do this job.

Truthfully, none of us are at this level. That’s why we need to remind one another of what we really were born to do. Today is an opportunity to reaffirm that oath that we made with the Light. We’ve been at this for lifetimes. We’re not going to quit now.

Your Soul’s Purpose, Kiki The Cat, Your Million Dollar Dream

Kiki the cat: tool for transformation and soul correction

Kiki the cat: tool for transformation and soul correctionWhat did I learn from the death of my cat and what does it have to do with your soul’s purpose?

This article will ruffle feathers… if you are politically correct, please stop here and don’t read it. This is a warning. You’ll hate me.

OK, here is the story: my cat, Kiki had been incontinent, on and off for the past 2 years. Antibiotics did not help, and Kiki seemed distraught from her lack of control.

Many of those happened on my bed.

Then she started to poop around the house, in obvious distress.

Then hide in the closet for 20 hours at a time. She would leave a pool of pee, and smell pipi herself… intensely.

It was time to reclaim Kiki’s dignity: after all, losing control of your body exposes you to shame.

This past Thursday I drove Kiki out to a nearby dense wooded area.

I was sure that as soon as she saw the woods she would run back to the car, but to my surprise, the opposite happened.

As soon as she was out of the “bag” she, gingerly, body alert and curious, started to walk into the thick of the woods… away from me.

I stood there for about half an hour, even though lost sight of her after about 3 minutes.

I drove home. My muscle testing proved to me that by next morning she was dead.

I miss the brave little girl… And had some interesting soul purpose thoughts channeled to me:

In the natural world sick animals take themselves out… go to the woods and die.

In the world of current western culture: we want to keep our pets alive (and miserable) as long as we can.

I was overriding the natural law of life with my made in the 21st century moralism.

My soul’s purpose is to subdue my human knowledge to devine knowledge.

Many ways to say that, one is “Forget Thyself”, another: “Bring the devine to everything.”

Allowing Kiki to go home, I was able to fulfill, for a moment, on my soul’s purpose.

Your Soul’s Purpose is done… Now What?

Kabbalah says that once you fulfill on the soul’s purpose (your correction for this lifetime), you have a choice. You can die, or you can ask to stay longer and tackle something else… maybe tackle a desire that has proved itself elusive.

Many of my clients have always dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but they never did. It is not aligned with their soul correction.

your soul's purposeIf they could, (or would) start concentrating on their soul correction, they could put themselves in the position of asking for the million… as a play for the “extension.” It wasn’t part of their original life script, but now, it can be, given that they completed the original script.

And that is the moral of the story: once you know your soul correction, and you get busy correcting it, you can choose another game for the rest of your life.

How do you find out your soul’s correction? There are a few ways, one of them is a one-on-one consult with me.

Contact me for details on how you can find out your soul’s purpose.

What’s the meaning (purpose) of life

The two sources that helped me define what life could mean to me are Wallace D. Wattles and The Zohar, the definitive book of Kabbalah.

According to Wallace D. Wattles (of The Science of Getting Rich fame) is that life wants more life, and your job (YOU! Human Being) is to align yourself with that. More life means being able to have all the tools that you are capable of using, being on the cutting edge of thinking, etc. This has been really very inspiring to me.

I have worded this MY WAY: our job is to be God’s self-expression. God doesn’t have a thumb, but we do. And we are causing full self-expression to God when we use what we were blessed with, our bodies, our minds, our emotions.

Kabbalah is similar, in a way, saying that human beings are a part of the vessel the Light created (eons ago) to receive all its blessings, but (unfortunately and unintentionally) the Light’s desire to give got transmitted with the light that was giving fulfillment to the vessel, and at some point the vessel said: I don’t want to eat bread of shame any more, I want to be able to earn the light I receive, and be a giver, not just a receiver.

That is what caused the physical universe to spring into place, so that the vessel, (that broke into chards into the billions of souls) can earn its light in an environment of seeming scarcity, by becoming like god: giving of themselves.

Of course, physicality and scarcity are powerful forces, so it is not easy for the souls to “tame” their physical hosts… and only very few people in every generation elevate themselves much on the scale of 0-1000 (100% scarcity/ego to close to godliness).

So, in my life, this moment to moment to moment transformation of the selfishness and the full expression of what’s god (without being religious) is the purpose of living, i.e. the meaning I give to life.

And by selfishness I don’t necessarily mean material selfishness: generosity of heart is the opposite: I want for everyone what I want for myself. But I won’t give it to them and I won’t do it FOR them. I inspire them… by MY ACTIONS.

Now, this is a full blog-post… where is my blog… darn… when I need it? lol

Sophie Benshitta Maven

Hate… why not to hate? How to have enough reason?

I just came back from my chiropractor.

As is my practice, I took my outer clothing, including my shoes in the waiting room and then ready to go to the room with the tables. I hadn’t seen the receptionist in a while so started to walk around in my socks while talking to her, only to step into a cold wet puddle on the carpet.

“Oogh, I just stepped into my wet spot!” I exclaimed. “Oh, I hate that?” She said…

…and this is what this blogpost is about.

You don’t care what comes out of your mouth.

But what comes out of your mouth is even more important that what goes into your mouth. There is a whole billion dollar health food industry capitalizing on your concern of what goes into your mouth.

It’s time to start thinking like you are not a machine that cares about its fuel and fuel pump and exhaust.

You are a vibrational being and what comes out of your mouth makes you who you are… in this example a cringing, resisting, little clot of ailment complaining that the world isn’t going his way.

You can work to fix just one “hate” with months or years worth of healthfood, vitamins, superfood, working out, meditations, what have you… it is so powerful.

So stop it.

First use different words that feel better, like “it is not quite pleasant…”, or “it doesn’t quite agree with me…”
and then you’ll be able to just laugh… like I do.

It’s taken me a year or two to get here, but I tell you, it feels great.

In addition, I have been well. Wow.

Why people are coming to this blog for weight loss info… hm.

Lose weight by restricting the sugarLike most blog, this one has a couple of software programs installed that tell me how many people visit this site, and how they got here. I can even see what they searched for to get to this site.

So, the past month or so, about 80% of the visitors came after they looked for weightloss… wow. Weird. but then again, there are no accidents in the Universe, really, no accidents.

When you can see behind the curtain, like in the Wizard of Oz, you can see the connections, plain and clear.

Let me reveal a little magic for you: at about the same time this rush of weightloss traffic started to come to this site, at the exact time, I had a revelation: that what’s been keeping me fat is what I didn’t know. Ha-ha… not very funny, is it?

About a month ago I heard that sugar, in quantities high enough (how about 6 grams… that’s one and a half teaspoon of granulated sugar… a bottle of coke has 42 grams of sugar in it) trigger a release of insulin, and insulin’s secondary job is to turn sugar into stored fat. Mainly around your waistline.

Now, that, I kind of knew… didn’t live like I knew, but as book knowledge goes, I knew it. But I found out something dramatic for me: a glass of milk contains 9 grams of sugar. My milk consumption was, at the time, a little over a liter a day. That is, my friend, 56 grams of sugar. Neatly concealed in whiteness…

Now, that was a wakeup call. It was loud and clear, that it wasn’t my genes, my age, it was the sugar that I unwittingly consumed that had kept me fat.

I went cold turkey, and cut out the milk. I have been putting a little bit of heavy cream into my tea, since then, and… drumroll please, I have dropped ten pounds, just by cutting out the milk.

I am not eating sweets or fruit either. I am not craving either. I have more energy, and I am getting visibly slimmer.

So, my firend, if you want to lose weight, maybe stop counting the calories, stop counting the fat, stop counting anything other than the sugar… rule: less than 5 grams of sugar in a meal, less than 15 grams of sugar total for the day.

Doesn’t sound very exciting? Hey, you can have an exciting diet and stay fat. I don’t care, I want to be slim more than have my excitement limited to sweetness… how about dating, how about dancing, how about hiking… no one really wanted a fattie for those exciting activities…

I have made my choice.

Now, back to the no coincidence… can you see? I have shifted and my blog has been attracting people like myself. Wow.