The Math of Spirituality, Bliss, Abundance, and Love

We start off every day with our Light and dark forces in perfect balance. 50/50. The Creator oversees the entire the process. Every time we give in to a reactive behavior, we tilt our scale down. Every time we accept an opportunity to help, to extend ourselves, to do something unexpected, we tilt it up. It’s math.
Today, keep score with your feelings, thoughts and actions. It will help you to not just keep a healthy balance but to overcome darkness. Because sometimes things may look dark but in reality you are just one stretch away from being in the Light.

Someone killed someone. You are upset. Is that about you?

Digging down on yesterday’s mirror concept, I know it can be a confusing lesson to apply because what happens, for example, if you see someone stealing in the market (and it makes you angry.) Is that the Light showing you that you’re a thief? If not, then what?
Let’s look at it from a different angle. Here’s a simple exercise for today. Make a list with three columns:
Column 1: Write an incident you witnessed or were involved in that provoked a reaction inside of you.
Column 2: Describe how you felt about it.
Column 3: What possible reasons did the person have for doing what he did?
Write down at least ten incidents. Using the example above, maybe the robber was abused as a child. Maybe he was hungry. Maybe he was just selfish. Go for any possible cause. By the tenth example, you will begin to get clarity on the things YOU need to work on.


Here’s your first risk-taking assignment.

How many times do you want something but don’t ask for it because of an innate assumption you won’t get it?

Number one reason many people don’t have what they want is not because they’re not worthy, smart or talented enough. It’s because they don’t ask for it. Why? It could be a whole bunch of reasons that all boil down to the same core issue: feeling they don’t deserve it.

On Rosh Hashanah, there is an opening in the cosmos that allows us to go before the Creator and ask for blessings for the New Year. But if we’re walking around with this innate assumption that we don’t deserve, than our asking won’t be genuine. It will be religious.

We need to feel it in our bones that we deserve and are worthy of all God has to offer.

Today, take the risk of asking for what you want. Whether it’s a better table at a restaurant or your partner to give you some space, ask for it.

P.S. And now, there’s something I’d like to ask you. Please email me [JUST HIT REPLY] a brief summary of your experience. What did you ask for? What were the results?

Tell The Truth… Even if it hurts

It’s difficult to be lovingly truthful with others. When an opportunity arises to confront someone with the truth, we lock up; our hearts race and our adrenaline pumps at the mere prospect of speaking our mind.

It’s always easier to tell people what they want to hear. It’s more comfortable to agree with someone even if we don’t agree in our hearts.

Fear of speaking the truth is a stumbling block we face in our desire to experience fulfilling, honest and loving relationships. When we hold something back, that something separates us from the other person.

Today, be courageous. Open your mouth when you need to tell the truth.

Why do you hold onto unproductive relationships?

Some relationships feed us and make us better people and others just drain us. It’s obvious why we maintain the good ones, but why do we hold onto bad friends, lovers, and relatives?

Guilt? Fear of being alone? Thoughts that one day we’ll get something from these people? Afraid of hurting them? Forget it. If an emotional tie is no longer serving you, then it’s no longer serving you.

Think of it this way – relationships are like bonfires – they require constant oxygen and firewood (ie. love and attention.) When we keep a bunch of fires burning because we’re afraid to let them die out, (I’ll call you soon, we really have to get together) it just sucks up our life force. There’s only so much fuel we can give out at one time.

Imagine if you could pour all of your love, compassion and oxygen into the ones that you are absolutely committed to (or would like to be committed to.)

It’s a big risk to let those little fires burn out. But the benefit is that it frees up your energy to devote to building up other fires that do serve you.

As you’re reading this, what person is flashing through your mind? Maybe it’s time to let that fire burn out.