Someone killed someone. You are upset. Is that about you?

Digging down on yesterday’s mirror concept, I know it can be a confusing lesson to apply because what happens, for example, if you see someone stealing in the market (and it makes you angry.) Is that the Light showing you that you’re a thief? If not, then what?
Let’s look at it from a different angle. Here’s a simple exercise for today. Make a list with three columns:
Column 1: Write an incident you witnessed or were involved in that provoked a reaction inside of you.
Column 2: Describe how you felt about it.
Column 3: What possible reasons did the person have for doing what he did?
Write down at least ten incidents. Using the example above, maybe the robber was abused as a child. Maybe he was hungry. Maybe he was just selfish. Go for any possible cause. By the tenth example, you will begin to get clarity on the things YOU need to work on.

It’s not fair! Are you myopic? The Big Picture…

Many times in life we witness things that appear unfair. However, usually it’s just a test of our certainty. That’s why when we restrict jumping to conclusions – our entire outlook opens up.

Today, when things go against your wishes, be humble for a minute. Assume you don’t really know what’s going on by virtue of the fact that you’re trapped within your five senses. Therefore it’s impossible to see the entire picture.

Not only will you become much wiser, but the Light will inject you with the explanation of what you’ve just witnessed. That injection may happen on the spot, in five minutes, in five days, in five years. But rest assured it’ll happen when it needs to happen.


The Big Picture Activator is just the one for you

Feel Well To Do Well — Part 2

lose-weight is an image you dont want to evokeYou get what you focus on. Focus = attention paid.

Now that is a good news/bad news situation, if there has ever been one.

Because you create your reality, and you create it with your words (what you focus on) you can seriously mis-create.

Let’s take weight, for example.

I used to be skinny. I mean skinny!

I ate what I ate, and had no thoughts about my weight or the lack of it.

Then I heard about healthy eating, and started to concentrate on “healthy” food. Guess what happened? I started to pack the weight on, and went from 96 lbs to 165 lbs in a few weeks, no kidding.

Even today, when I forget about my weight, or eating healthy, or what’s good for me, etc. I slim down. The moment I start to concentrate on some new health and energy diet, I pack it on. It takes only taking my attention and focus off the topic and I become normal.

It is like a fine tuned, well oiled machine. You can play with it. The Universe is exceptionally responsive. It’s easier to see on issues that are not pressing. Why?

Because all thoughts matter, not just your conscious thoughts. And you are only aware of 1% [note]Muscle testing has shown that only 1% of your thoughts are conscious and the 99% is totally unconscious. That is the area of what you don’t know you don’t know. Being able to influence your unconscious thoughts is the purpose of many self-improvement programs, meditation, hypnosis, different audio programs with hidden messages [/note] of your thoughts, the others happen while you are busy with other things. Bummer, right? Serious bummer.

So when you experiment, Continue reading “Feel Well To Do Well — Part 2”

Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design?

gurdjieffI have been observing myself as a spiritual practice. Trying to “remember myself” as Gurdjieff would say it, call upon the “witness” or “observer”. Be awake. Either way, I have noticed something remarkable about myself: see if you can relate.

When I am in front of my computer* (where I spend most of my day) and I encounter something that requires the slightest push on my end, I see myself automatically going to the computer game of my choice, freecell.

I began observing this phenomenon about 6 months ago (it was there, unobserved, for many years). But 4 days ago I decided to employ “restriction,” which is one of Kabbalah’s main tenets, and see what will happen.

For about 36 hours I closed the freecell program as soon as I opened it. Then every time I was “awake” which means I was by myself and I was still observing myself. On the other hand, every time I was on the phone, or watching a video on my computer, or listening to an audio file, my attention wasn’t on myself, and I played… until I “woke up.”

Still curious, more interested in the experiment than conquering the force that moves my hand, I saw something today that is worth sharing.

Since I have started this blog, I have been watching how I somehow leak the energy that is necessary for creative thinking and expression… by talking on the phone, by playing freecell.

Every occasion when I need the little push and I opt to play instead, two things happen: 1. I have diminished the internal discomfort 2. I have successfully diverted my attention from what is important to me.

The first one is good, right? Who would want to be uncomfortable, after all. Continue reading “Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design?”