Ask Others What They Want or Need

Yesterday we risked asking for ourselves. Today, let’s do the opposite and ask others what they need. Sometimes that’s a far bigger risk.

When was the last time you asked your boss if you could do more around the office? Or asked your wife if she needed help around the house? Or asked your kids if they wanted you to spend more time with them?

Those are risky questions indeed because you may not want to hear the answer.

Today, notice how often you don’t ask others what they need because of your own desire to receive for the self alone. Once you get in touch with that, ask if you can help in whatever context.

How to experience “growing like a weed” at any age?

Would you like to experience a giant growth spurt today?
Ask someone you don’t know too well what they think about you. Seeking feedback from peers and strangers, who ideally don’t have any stake in anything other than speaking their truth as they see it, is a great kabbalistic growing tool.
The impact of this type of feedback can be much greater on you, therefore, the potential for change is also much greater.

What do people think about you?

One of the best things for our spiritual growth – and also one of our biggest fears – is hearing what other people think about us.

When the Holy Temple still stood in Jerusalem, it is said that inside was a mirror one could look in to see the state of one’s soul. When the temple [and mirror] were destroyed, the Zohar teaches that people became the mirror for us.

As we take stock of our lives in this month, preparing our wish lists for the new year, we want to be facing those truths which only others can show us. Don’t do it out of weakness, do it out of strength, knowing that the moment you hold your darkness up to the Light, it burns!

Today, feel the burn of whatever emotion comes up as you ask at least (3) people what they think you need to work on the most. If there was one thing you needed to change for next year, what would it be? And maybe tell them about this risk exercise you’re doing. See where that takes you.

Both the Light and Satan are speaking to you

In our daily lives, as spiritual people, one of our greatest struggles is to look past the hologram that the ego projects: I’m a victim, no one understands me, that was my idea, I’ll show them, and so on.
One of my favorite classes in the Spirituality for Kids curriculum is the one where we teach kids to turn down the volume on the voice of the Opponent, and turn up the volume of the voice of the Light. The kids understand that they’re bombarded by the broadcast of their Opponent, so why is it so hard for us as adults?
Today, turn down the voice of the Opponent and turn up the voice of the Light. You’d be amazed at the beautiful background music you’ll hear the sounds of your soul.

Tell The Truth… Even if it hurts

It’s difficult to be lovingly truthful with others. When an opportunity arises to confront someone with the truth, we lock up; our hearts race and our adrenaline pumps at the mere prospect of speaking our mind.

It’s always easier to tell people what they want to hear. It’s more comfortable to agree with someone even if we don’t agree in our hearts.

Fear of speaking the truth is a stumbling block we face in our desire to experience fulfilling, honest and loving relationships. When we hold something back, that something separates us from the other person.

Today, be courageous. Open your mouth when you need to tell the truth.