It’s not fair! Are you myopic? The Big Picture…

Many times in life we witness things that appear unfair. However, usually it’s just a test of our certainty. That’s why when we restrict jumping to conclusions – our entire outlook opens up.

Today, when things go against your wishes, be humble for a minute. Assume you don’t really know what’s going on by virtue of the fact that you’re trapped within your five senses. Therefore it’s impossible to see the entire picture.

Not only will you become much wiser, but the Light will inject you with the explanation of what you’ve just witnessed. That injection may happen on the spot, in five minutes, in five days, in five years. But rest assured it’ll happen when it needs to happen.


The Big Picture Activator is just the one for you

Your Soul’s Purpose, Kiki The Cat, Your Million Dollar Dream

Kiki the cat: tool for transformation and soul correction

Kiki the cat: tool for transformation and soul correctionWhat did I learn from the death of my cat and what does it have to do with your soul’s purpose?

This article will ruffle feathers… if you are politically correct, please stop here and don’t read it. This is a warning. You’ll hate me.

OK, here is the story: my cat, Kiki had been incontinent, on and off for the past 2 years. Antibiotics did not help, and Kiki seemed distraught from her lack of control.

Many of those happened on my bed.

Then she started to poop around the house, in obvious distress.

Then hide in the closet for 20 hours at a time. She would leave a pool of pee, and smell pipi herself… intensely.

It was time to reclaim Kiki’s dignity: after all, losing control of your body exposes you to shame.

This past Thursday I drove Kiki out to a nearby dense wooded area.

I was sure that as soon as she saw the woods she would run back to the car, but to my surprise, the opposite happened.

As soon as she was out of the “bag” she, gingerly, body alert and curious, started to walk into the thick of the woods… away from me.

I stood there for about half an hour, even though lost sight of her after about 3 minutes.

I drove home. My muscle testing proved to me that by next morning she was dead.

I miss the brave little girl… And had some interesting soul purpose thoughts channeled to me:

In the natural world sick animals take themselves out… go to the woods and die.

In the world of current western culture: we want to keep our pets alive (and miserable) as long as we can.

I was overriding the natural law of life with my made in the 21st century moralism.

My soul’s purpose is to subdue my human knowledge to devine knowledge.

Many ways to say that, one is “Forget Thyself”, another: “Bring the devine to everything.”

Allowing Kiki to go home, I was able to fulfill, for a moment, on my soul’s purpose.

Your Soul’s Purpose is done… Now What?

Kabbalah says that once you fulfill on the soul’s purpose (your correction for this lifetime), you have a choice. You can die, or you can ask to stay longer and tackle something else… maybe tackle a desire that has proved itself elusive.

Many of my clients have always dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but they never did. It is not aligned with their soul correction.

your soul's purposeIf they could, (or would) start concentrating on their soul correction, they could put themselves in the position of asking for the million… as a play for the “extension.” It wasn’t part of their original life script, but now, it can be, given that they completed the original script.

And that is the moral of the story: once you know your soul correction, and you get busy correcting it, you can choose another game for the rest of your life.

How do you find out your soul’s correction? There are a few ways, one of them is a one-on-one consult with me.

Contact me for details on how you can find out your soul’s purpose.

Hate… why not to hate? How to have enough reason?

I just came back from my chiropractor.

As is my practice, I took my outer clothing, including my shoes in the waiting room and then ready to go to the room with the tables. I hadn’t seen the receptionist in a while so started to walk around in my socks while talking to her, only to step into a cold wet puddle on the carpet.

“Oogh, I just stepped into my wet spot!” I exclaimed. “Oh, I hate that?” She said…

…and this is what this blogpost is about.

You don’t care what comes out of your mouth.

But what comes out of your mouth is even more important that what goes into your mouth. There is a whole billion dollar health food industry capitalizing on your concern of what goes into your mouth.

It’s time to start thinking like you are not a machine that cares about its fuel and fuel pump and exhaust.

You are a vibrational being and what comes out of your mouth makes you who you are… in this example a cringing, resisting, little clot of ailment complaining that the world isn’t going his way.

You can work to fix just one “hate” with months or years worth of healthfood, vitamins, superfood, working out, meditations, what have you… it is so powerful.

So stop it.

First use different words that feel better, like “it is not quite pleasant…”, or “it doesn’t quite agree with me…”
and then you’ll be able to just laugh… like I do.

It’s taken me a year or two to get here, but I tell you, it feels great.

In addition, I have been well. Wow.


I watched a movie last night. The Big Blue. a French movie about a deep see diver who dived deep into the ocean without an oxygen tank, just him with the one breath of air he took before he dived in…

Now, this type of movie is not my favorite type of movie, what made me watch it is Dr David Hawkins’ recommendation.

In his book, Power vs. Force he says that the movie calibrates at 700 on a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1000.

Einstein only calibrates at 499…

So I went out, and searched for it. Lots of opportunities to download pirated versions, I chose to buy the movie used… hey, if I am going to use it to move my own consciousness up the scale, might as well be high minded, right?

I watched the movie, and I didn’t understand it. In the end, the hero chooses to go back into the depth of the sea instead of staying with his pregnant girl-friend.

I wanted to look it up on google, maybe I misunderstood… but instead, in my sleep, it came to me: above a certain level in consciousness, where people rarely get, life is like deep down in the see. Rare thoughts, if any, dreamlike, you feel drunk with bliss. At least according to Dr. David Hawkins. He lives there, he says.

That is the world of the endless, the world of the soul. No wonder the ego, the always hurrying, always concerned, always opinionating ego drowns the few words the soul would say… no wonder our lives is so far removed from that dreamy, blissful state.

Then another part of the movie popped into my memory: the doctor says that at the depth these divers descended to, at 500 feet, the oxygen is so compressed, it doesn’t have the energy to lift these people up.

Lift them up…when they are the deepest in the water, where their souls are the freest, their body is the least able to uplift… the diver says, “at that level you need a really good reason to want to come back.”

I don’t like choosing. If you know me, you know that one of my favorite sayings is “have your cake and eat it too.” Choosing, for me, is like cutting off your arm, your legs, your head?

So how can you uplift your soul and not damage your body? How can you, on demand, elevate your soul? Be, at least a little bit, in that blissful domain of no worries and no concerns, in that domain of all knowing, in that domain of all-loving?

In the day-to-day, dog-eat-dog world, it can be near impossible. In that world, joy has to have a reason, and lasts for mere seconds. In that world loving is a deal: I love you and you love me. You break your word: too bad, the deal is off.

Then I thought that appreciation and gratitude are the instant shoe-lifts for your soul.

Don’t believe me? Try it. Attempt to be grateful, for anything, for a moment. You’ll experience a sudden elevation in your state. If you can.

If your vibration level is too low, it may take many attempts. At first you’ll want to appreciate something that you can see that you have a reason to. After enough practice, you’ll be able to appreciate and be grateful for its own sake.

Another book I read recently says: one can start to elevate themselves from slavery and poverty the moment they start noticing and appreciating beauty.

As I am sitting here, in front of my panorama window overlooking a valley in Syracuse, NY, with the streaked sky that looks like my hair when I get up: no two hairs go in the same direction… with the few yellow leaves still clinging to the bare branches of the trees, with the silence of the fall crisp air, my heart fills with gratitude. My eyes well up and I experience instant take-off.

A lift from the mundane to the dominion of the sacred.

If this were taught in schools, the world’s population’s vibration would rise from the current 207 into the late 200’s or maybe into the 300’s. And guess what can’t live in that rarefied world? Thoughts of greed, murder, abuse. Just like most people would die at even 100 feet deep in the ocean…

It takes practice. And it takes a liberation of the soul.

Is it worth it? Yes, take it from me. I have managed to go from wretched to a mostly happy, mostly pleasant individual. Now, that’s something. How did I do that? Exactly how I am telling you… with gratitude and appreciation. And with pulling responsibility towards me… but that will be the topic of another article… You can wait, right? You have work to do. You need to appreciate the world around you, the people, the sky, your cat, your food, your beauty.

Now go, start. Start today!

Feel Well To Do Well Part 3

drownI spent 1-3 hours with a very negative person for seven months in the very near past. I hated about 60-70 percent of every conversation. My attitude was that there is an opportunity lurking there, and I’d find it. That attitude was encouraged by my teachers.

At the end of the seven months I noticed that my financial situation had started to go south when I started that relationship. I was now at a point when I was not going to be able to pay my rent…

A normally hidden thought at that point surfaced in this person’s speaking, and I realized that they were my enemy, and a downer all along. They were in it for what was in it for them, and made sure there was nothing in it for me. They didn’t like me, didn’t care for me, compared me with themselves and they always came out on top, thought it unfare that I would make more money than them.

In that moment of clarity I saw that in those seven months I had handed over the control over my thoughts and life to this person, and it was time to take it back.

I also noticed that it had been a pattern in my life. I could see that there was my desire to “lift up” other people, even if they weren’t particularly interested. I call that caretaking in another post of mine… (Studies show that when a higher vibration person tries to lift up the vibration of another person, instead of the desired outcome, the lowest common denominator wins. Other studies show that in sado-masochistic relationship the real control is in the hand of the masochist, not the sadist, like it seems on the surface.)

You notice that you are not energized by the relationship. You notice that your health, your energy level, your self-love, your connection with your purpose is getting weaker and harder to maintain.

In hindsight the same thing happened with my male cat. He wanted food, he wanted shelter (when he wanted it), but he didn’t want me. He didn’t choose me.

When I look at my relationships (male/female) I see the pattern: it begins with me relentlessly pursuing a stable and steady connection where I am the contributor/giver, thus I have the upper hand. They begrudgingly protecting their right to maintain independence. I increase the pressure. At some point we are best friends. I continue the domination with giving and giving and giving. At some point I catch myself, and break off the relationship.

That’s been the movie of my life. Quite disgusting, if you ask me. And makes for a lonely, unfulfilled life.

Luckily to me, this time I had my eyes open and my fingers pointing at myself. This time I have taken 100% responsibility for my part in this mess.

This fact, having taken responsibility for my role as a director/writer of this movie, I have given myself a chance to write and direct movies that are more fulfilling and satisfying than this repeated nightmarish ego-driven script.

Since the awakening and breakoff, my financial situation is looking up, I am more in touch with my soul’s desire and things unpredictable and delicious are starting to show up in my space.