Fear… is it stopping you?

When you get down to it, we basically go back and forth between two basic emotions: love and fear.

Fear can be healthy (fear of walking into traffic) but most of the time, it’s an unreal movie we are playing in our head.

The reason I bring this up is I imagine if you are doing these daily risk exercises, you are coming up against fear. By the way, how are you doing with the exercises? Are you getting what you need?

Today, I have a simple question for you. Please ponder it. And find a way to act on it.

What risks would you take if you weren’t afraid?

What were you born to do? Really? What is your life’s purpose?

What were you doing before you opened this email? How was that action helping another person?

Heavy question. But if you truly understood what Kabbalah is about – accepting the responsibility of being a channel of the Light – then you’d be thinking only of how to share and care for others. If we’re here on Earth, it means somewhere in a world far, far away, we signed a contract, we took an oath with the Light, that we would do this job.

Truthfully, none of us are at this level. That’s why we need to remind one another of what we really were born to do. Today is an opportunity to reaffirm that oath that we made with the Light. We’ve been at this for lifetimes. We’re not going to quit now.

Both the Light and Satan are speaking to you

In our daily lives, as spiritual people, one of our greatest struggles is to look past the hologram that the ego projects: I’m a victim, no one understands me, that was my idea, I’ll show them, and so on.
One of my favorite classes in the Spirituality for Kids curriculum is the one where we teach kids to turn down the volume on the voice of the Opponent, and turn up the volume of the voice of the Light. The kids understand that they’re bombarded by the broadcast of their Opponent, so why is it so hard for us as adults?
Today, turn down the voice of the Opponent and turn up the voice of the Light. You’d be amazed at the beautiful background music you’ll hear the sounds of your soul.

How to defeat your ego

Rav Ashlag, the founder of The Kabbalah Centre, says there is only one thing we can do to defeat our ego – recognize it. The moment we see it, the Light comes in and sucks it out of us. When we give up our ego completely, when we achieve the level where we can do true letting go of our agenda, that’s immortality in all parts of our life.

Today, recognize everything about you that is opposite of the Light, and connect it to your ego. Whatever hurts you, whatever ticks you off, whatever saddens you, whatever insults you, whatever worries you, whatever frightens you, know that it’s simply your ego doing its job of blocking your Light.

Mercy. You want to receive it but you don’t want to give it?

The Universe has three elements, just like the atom. It has the negative element, equivalent with judgment in our worldly life. That is the electrons of the atom.

It has the proton, the positive, in our worldly life it is called mercy.

The third type of element is the neutral…

Without the positive element, the world, yours, ours, the Universe, falls apart.

As it’s above so it is below… and vice versa.

You have judgment, an overwhelming amount of judgment. You want to receive mercy… but the question is: are you willing to extend it to others and to yourself? Probably not!

Your life and the Universe is out of balance because of humanity’s unwillingness to give what they themselves crave: mercy.

Light created our world with mercy. We would not live out the day without it.

The question is, do we extend it to others? Or better yet, do we extend it when it’s difficult for us? When every fiber of your being wants to say: NO… it is wrong!

Today, put the brakes on the instinct to judge and criticize and separate. Your life, the quality of your life, depends on your ability to open your heart and give what only you can give: mercy, tolerance, acceptance, patience.

Don’t do it for others. Do it for your own sake… It’s OK.